
Strawberry porridge

From the moment that the first strawberries appeared in the markets, I knew I will have a problem: I’ll buy them everyday! Strawberry smoothies, raw strawberries, strawberry jam and now…. strawberry porridge 😀

Fruity chocolate porridge bowl

Morning rush? No problem! Everything gets fixed with a warm bowl of porridge. How do I know? Because sometimes I cheat and I’m not meal prepping a day before. Then I just need a quick and warm breakfast. Conclusion: porridge it is!

Night and day porridge

This is what happens when you play with your food 🙂 Was looking for inspiration last night and I saw this lovely display form for a porridge bowl. It brought me right back to my childhood when I was preparing cakes with my mum. The recipe is inspired by the […]

Cinnamon Orange Porridge

It’s been a while since I prepared a morning porridge and this time I am trying something new – a porridge powder mix consisting of oats, wholemeal spel, linseed, amaranth, almonds, and hazelnuts. Even though I purchased this one from abroad, I am pretty sure we have porridge mix products […]

Multicereal and chia seeds breakfast cake

Can you have cake for breakfast? Of course you can! Check this out! It’s a porridge cake, more or less. At least the cooking part is the same as for a porridge, the difference is that you consume the result cold and not hot and that it has a solid […]

Papaya and berries porridge

-“Don’t you ever get bored of porridge breakfast?” – “Never!” That’s because there are so many ways you can do it and so much more ways you can garnish and serve it! Today was one of those days when I woke up, realized I don’t have any suitable candidates for […]

Nuts and fruits porridge

Today is definitely colder outside than yesterday and that cries out for a hot breakfast with a good nutrients intake. What could do this better than the oatmeal porridge with a handful of nuts and fruits? Because porridge is love 🙂