Salty breakfast

Cheese and herbs spread

An easy and ready in no-time spread recipe that you can enjoy with homemade whole-wheat bread, bagels, wraps, grilled veggies, you name it, combinations are infinite.

Crunchy tuna wrap

Weekend breakfast at its best! This means I have the time to experiment new things and what better way to do this than to gather all the yummy stuff I have my fridge and put it together. Delicious, fresh and crunchy, a tuna wrap for a good morning!

Breakfast of the champions

Fresh, crunchy and full of nutrients! That’s the perfect description of the perfect breakfast! This time with some omegas and velvety cottage, the weekend laziness is replaced by a good vibe and energy!

Spring spinach breakfast

I just noticed that as soon as the first springtime signs show up, my mood and my appetite change dramatically. I become more cheerful and I crave for green vegetables – turning into a rabbit maybe 🙂 So spinach is something I come back to as a comfort food and […]

Spring breakfast plate

You don’t need a precise recipe for this one, you only need to let your imagination run free in all these spring mornings when nature seems to come back to life. Today was the first day this year when I woke up and heard the birds chirping, so I said […]

Eggplant & bell pepper spread

To be honest, I enjoyed so much our traditional roasted eggplant & mayo salad that I had to try a healthier version and exclude the mayonnaise from this ‘picture’. And since I always roast bell peppers every time I roast eggplants for winter (I store them in the freezer), I […]

Egg pockets

Inspiration comes from where I first saw the idea of packing fried eggs like this. I adapted the recipe so that it matches my taste and interests – different quantities, whole-wheat flour usage and no butter. I would say that this is a breakfast recipe for mornings when you […]

Tuna melt omelette

I was thinking of this recipe for quite some time now and the fact that I want to try it in a weekend morning. Thought it will take me some time to prepare, but as I found out, it’s very straight forward and ready in no time.