
Oven roasted coquelet

I’ve always wanted to cook one of those little perfect chickens I saw on TV or in my favorite cookbooks. But never tried since I was usually opting for a solution that would keep our bellies (my husband and mine) full. And those little small guys don’t weigh more than […]

Royal salad

Taking advantage of the vegetables I can currently find at the market. Fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, spring onions, you name it. I couldn’t resist combining them all and throw in some fresh cheese and chicken pastrami.

Chicken breast skewers

Rainy on weekdays, rainy on weekends, rainy all the time.. here goes my picnic.. But I guess we can work that around, right? Chicken breast skewers just like those I will prepare soon outside 🙂

Simple chicken soup

A traditional recipe my mother used to prepare every Sunday when I was a child (“it’s not Sunday if there’s no chicken soup”, she always said). This is the most simple soup recipe in the world, but this time with a minimum of fat. My mother’s original recipe included chicken […]

Oven roasted chicken and vegetables

It’s been a long time since I cooked chicken and this time I craved for some oven roasted chicken on a generous vegetable ‘bed’. It’s something that requires a minimum of effort, but the results are heavenly!

Leftover roasted chicken curry

Title says it all, it’s about leftovers 😀 We all have this situation from time to time, when we have leftover roasted chicken and we won’t eat it, but it’s bad to throw it’s also since the meat is good and tasty. What to do? Transform it into a tasty […]