Tag: porridge is love

Rainy day porridge

Rainy days.. rainy mornings.. rainy outside but warm inside 😀 A lovely porridge recipe suitable for the mornings you just don’t want to get out of bed. This crunchy sweet porridge will boost up your energy.

Strawberry porridge

From the moment that the first strawberries appeared in the markets, I knew I will have a problem: I’ll buy them everyday! Strawberry smoothies, raw strawberries, strawberry jam and now…. strawberry porridge 😀

Oatmeal cottage cheese porridge

I’ve always asked myself is cottage cheese a suitable ingredient for porridge? Until now, I tried various combinations, but never tried adding the cottage cheese in the mix, and since I found Olympus’ smooth and velvety version, I had to try it out.

Fruity chocolate porridge bowl

Morning rush? No problem! Everything gets fixed with a warm bowl of porridge. How do I know? Because sometimes I cheat and I’m not meal prepping a day before. Then I just need a quick and warm breakfast. Conclusion: porridge it is!

Night and day porridge

This is what happens when you play with your food 🙂 Was looking for inspiration last night and I saw this lovely display form for a porridge bowl. It brought me right back to my childhood when I was preparing cakes with my mum. The recipe is inspired by the […]

Cinnamon Orange Porridge

It’s been a while since I prepared a morning porridge and this time I am trying something new – a porridge powder mix consisting of oats, wholemeal spel, linseed, amaranth, almonds, and hazelnuts. Even though I purchased this one from abroad, I am pretty sure we have porridge mix products […]

Multicereal and chia seeds breakfast cake

Can you have cake for breakfast? Of course you can! Check this out! It’s a porridge cake, more or less. At least the cooking part is the same as for a porridge, the difference is that you consume the result cold and not hot and that it has a solid […]

Papaya and berries porridge

-“Don’t you ever get bored of porridge breakfast?” – “Never!” That’s because there are so many ways you can do it and so much more ways you can garnish and serve it! Today was one of those days when I woke up, realized I don’t have any suitable candidates for […]