Tag: veggie love

basque piperade

Basque Pipérade

Now, this is something I wanted to try since I first heard of this dish. Inspiration comes from Jason Matthews’ second book in the Red Sparrow trilogy, Palace of Treason. So today, I took the courage to try it out. I must admit, I had a lot of hope right […]

Healthy ranch chicken salad

Roasted chicken leftovers are always a good basis for a new salad experiment and I sometimes find it very interesting how a bunch of scraps and leftovers from yesterday’s dinner can make up such a good combination. So don’t throw away your roasted chicken leftovers, add them to a salad […]

Quinoa avocado salad

A healthy choice for a take-away lunch, this salad combines the creamyness of the avocado with the crunchyness of the celery, cucumber and radishes, while completing the picture with the zing of the cherry tomatoes and the interesting texture of the quinoa seeds.

Roasted bell peppers hummus

Roasted red pepper hummus

Straight forward from the name of the recipe, this is exactly what it seems – a delicious hummus variation with roasted red peppers. Traditionally, you would find in the list of ingredients olive oil and probably more tahini paste, but since I am a fan of low fat recipes, my […]

One pan breakfast

Dedication to the practical people, those who believe in saving the water if you wash fewer dishes, those who are in a hurry and… The lazy ones like me this morning 🙂

Royal salad

Taking advantage of the vegetables I can currently find at the market. Fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, spring onions, you name it. I couldn’t resist combining them all and throw in some fresh cheese and chicken pastrami.

Spring breakfast plate

You don’t need a precise recipe for this one, you only need to let your imagination run free in all these spring mornings when nature seems to come back to life. Today was the first day this year when I woke up and heard the birds chirping, so I said […]