Roasted garlic shrimps

I love garlic! Specially when roasting something in the oven. The smell is fantastic and while some avoid having it invade the house, I leave the kitchen door open so everybody knows I’m cooking with garlic 🙂 This here is a simple way to finish up the cooking of preboiled shrimps. Have fun!

Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Total Time25 minutes
Course: Main Course
Servings: 3
Calories: 125kcal


  • 600 g whole shrimps preboiled
  • ¼ lemon
  • 200 g low fat greek yogurt 2% fat
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • a few leafy stems of fresh parsley
  • salt and freshly grounded pepper to taste


  • Turn on the oven and set to preheat at 190°C.
  • Wash the shrimps thoroughly and drain.
  • Lay the shrimps over a sheet of baking paper in a shallow baking tray.
  • Season with pepper to taste.
  • Mince the garlic cloves in a small bowl, add salt to taste, then rub the garlic against the bowl's wall until a paste is obtained.
    Now take half of the obtained pasted and mix it with the yogurt, season with salt only if needed. This will be the dipping sauce at the end.
    Prepare 3-4 tbsp of cold water and gradually add it over remaining half and mix it thoroughly. Pour the obtained mix through a tea sieve over the shrimps (we do this in order to separate the garlic bits so they don't become bitter while roasting).
  • Drizzle the lemon quarter over the shrimps then cut the remainings into slices and add them between the shrimps for extra flavor.
    Sprinkle the freshly cut parsley over the shrimps.
  • Turn them around and make sure they are all seasoned and moist.
  • Insert the tray in the oven and cook for 15 minutes at 190°C. Take the tray out, turn the shrimps, reinsert the tray in the oven for 10 more minutes.
  • Take out and leave to rest for 3 minutes before serving.
  • Prepare a bowl with water next to you and an empty bowl for the discarded shells.
    Dig in with your bare hands! Peel the shrimps, devein it, then dip into the sauce and serve.
    Discard the shell in the empty bowl, clean your hands into the water when stuff gets to messy and repeat 🙂

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